Liechtenstein in Europe: 2024/25 Coefficient Preview

The 2024/25 European season is quickly approaching, with 236 clubs set to compete in UEFA’s continental club competitions this season.

With the first qualifying round draws two weeks away, Extratime Talk will be providing a comprehensive coefficient preview. Between now and then, each country will be previewed, and all clubs discussed.

In these articles, we will provide an analyses of what to expect from each country in Europe. We will all explore what is on the line from a coefficient standpoint, and the keys to succeeding, in that country’s case.

We are now in the sixth piece of this preview series, where we will take a look at Liechtenstein.

Liechtenstein In Europe: Country Profile

Previous Season Coefficient (Rank)0.500 (52nd)
Previous Season’s 5-Year Coefficient (Rank)10.000 (40th)
Starting 5-Year Coefficient (Rank)7.500 (42nd)

It has been two completely contrasting seasons from Liechtenstein these last two years. The club’s sole representative, FC Vaduz, went from making Conference League group stage in 2022/23 – a first for them – to losing in the first qualifying round to Belarus’ Neman Grodno last summer. Talk about a colossal fall. A whopping 6.500 coefficient points were won in 2022/23, in comparison to just 0.500 a year later.

That makes this season all the more fascinating for Liechtenstein, as no one knows how this one will go. Starting the campaign in 42nd place, they can easily move up several places, into the top 38. The question is, can Vaduz repeat the magic of two summers ago?

Liechtenstein In Europe: Club Profile

ClubQualified AsRound of EntryTotal European SeasonsLast Season’s Performance5-Year Club Coefficient (2023/24)5-Year Country Coefficient Contribution, 2023/24 (%)
VaduzCup WinnerUECL Q2, Main Path29UECL Q28.00010.000 (100%)

To provide some context to the readers, Liechtenstein does not have a domestic league. As the microstate has just seven teams, all of them play their domestic football over the border in Switzerland. However, Liechtenstein does run the FL1 Active Cup, their cup competition. All seven teams, plus their reserve teams, take part each year. That is the country’s only route to qualify for Europe, as they cannot do so via the Swiss League system.

The only professional club in Liechtenstein is FC Vaduz, who dominates the cup competition. They won the tournament for the 11th year in a row and a 50th time last season. The latter is a world record as the most cup wins for any club.

Vaduz will start in Q2 of the UECL this summer, as they did in 2021/22 and 2022/23. Fürstenverein have only lost one of their five away games in UECL qualifying all-time. That came in their first tie three years ago Újpest.

Liechtenstein’s Season Ambitions

A place in the top 38 at season’s end should be the goal for Liechtenstein. That is attainable even if Vaduz does not make the Conference League’s new league phase. Due to Liechtenstein having only one team in Europe, they collect more points per result than any other country. As a result, making the Conference League playoff round just might be enough for Vaduz to lift Liechtenstein into 38th or better.

However, the country might not have to just stop there. If Vaduz makes the main round of the UECL again, 33rd spot would look very likely. That is a tall order though.

What a Successful Season Would Be for Liechtenstein

As Vaduz is seeded in UECL Q2, getting past that round, and possibly Q3, should be considered a win for the club and for Liechtenstein. Anything less than that winning their Q2 tie should be seen as a failure.

Anything past the playoff round is a welcomed bonus for Liechtenstein. Vaduz has already shown that it is possible, but to do that once again would be truly incredible.

What to Expect From Liechtenstein in 2024/25

It is always difficult to predict what to expect from Liechtenstein (Vaduz). Because everything hinges on how far Vaduz goes in Europe, things are not always as straightforward. Swiss football expert Simon Wolanin of Swiss Football Data thinks it will be another difficult year for Vaduz.

Providing they do not get a nightmare draw in Q2, we can reasonably expect Vaduz to make Q3. That would collect between 1.000 and 2.000 points. For them to get past that round, however, looks too unlikely. As a result, it is likely that Liechtenstein will miss out on 38th spot.

About 3.500 points would be required from Vaduz to see Liechtenstein jump into 38th. That is three wins and a draw. Can it be done? Most certainly. But will Vaduz be able to do it again? Probably not, and that will be the reason why Liechtenstein misses out on 38th place.

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