Looking At The Most Sought After Football Coaches

Looking At The Most Sought After Football Coaches

When you visit online casino providers, you are more than happy to take a bet and endure some losses. When you are appointing your football coach, you cannot afford any losses and you want to minimise risk as much as possible. Selecting the person responsible for managing personnel, devising tactics and communicating strategy is no time to gamble. Therefore, there are some coaches out there that are more sought after than others. Here we look at some of the best and consider what it is that makes them so desired by clubs around the world.

Antonio Conte

While Conte may have experienced a torrid time in the English Premier League, being on the wrong end of a sacking, he is still highly sought after. Comparing his time at Chelsea and Juventus would offer you some context to this up and down history.

He has especially made his name as a much desired leader from his time in Italian football. He provided the Turin club with unprecedented success, laying out a template that others have sought to emulate. Yet, his greatest achievement was probably taking the Italian team to the 2016 Euros when nobody gave him much of a chance.

While his time at Chelsea was met with scepticism, many coaches emulated his approach. Since his return to Italy with Inter Milan, he has managed to bring together the exciting pairing of Sanchez and Lukaku and they are a probable winner of the UEFA cup this year. 

Diego Simeone

Imagine taking a club so unfancied as Atletico Madrid and helping them rise above the great Barcelona and Real Madrid to win La Liga in 2014. It is likely only Leicester unseating rivals Man City, Liverpool, Man Utd, Chelsea and Arsenal compares. Simeone is the only explanation for the minnows of Atletico Madrid turning into a powerful force in European football. 

He is a tactically astute manager and has managed to outsmart some other renowned greats such as Mourinho, Guardiola and Klopp in the Champions League. Not many have a taste for his approach to management and he is certainly not held up as a model, as Guardiola might be. However, there is no doubting the scores on the boards and the success he has enjoyed with a mediocre set-up.

Zinedine Zidane

Zidane takes an opposing approach to Simeone. Where Simeone has the capacity to tactically outsmart an opponent, Zidane relies on his management of his players. He uses his understanding of people and what it means to be a top footballer to demand the best from his players. They want to perform for him. 

This Frenchman has won 11 major trophies in just under four years of management. He is likely, if he continues like this at Real Madrid, to outperform himself. His time as a manager will more than likely define him in football, as he continues to make history. He is the first man to win the Champions’ League three times in a row.

He might not have the tactical intelligence of some of the other greats, but he has the sense to forge a defensively compact team that is hard to beat before adding the flair of the offensive force.

Pep Guardiola

Pep is more likely than any other manager to be held up as an example of the complete leader. He has the charm, likeability and passion that encourages people to perform for him. His teams are undoubtedly behind him and you rarely hear of dissent. However, he also has the strategy and tactics to carve out a win in a single match or a campaign over a season.

If we were going to highlight anything that sets Guardiola apart it would be fastidious attention to detail that allows him to shape some genuinely revolutionary tactics. His teams are well-organised and can turn on a dime when the events require. It is why Manchester City has become such an unbeatable force.

Jurgen Klopp

When you are leading an iconic brand like Liverpool, you are under intense scrutiny and pressure. If, while existing in this hothouse, you can guide the club to its first English Premier League title in 30 years, then you are a hero. Yet, this title was a sizeable cherry on an ample cake, as the team had also won the Champions League, UEFA Super Cup and the FIFA Club World Club in the same year.

When Klopp picked up Liverpool, after a magical reputation in his career to date, the team were 10th in the league and going nowhere. Nothing seemed to be happening for a while, at least in the open. However, the Liverpool backroom staff gave Klopp the time and room to deliver his revolution of the team’s fortune. 

How does he do it? Well, all the same things as Guardiola – people management and astute tactics. However, he also has that hint of magic about him too. He has that invisible mystique that makes it impossible to replicate when managing yourself. You can aspire to the same behaviours: the positivity, the care and attention to his team, and the shaping of a squad of formidable players. Yet, a lot has to do with his personality that cannot be reproduced.

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